Entries are now open for the Strata Services Business Award 2022

It’s once again time to celebrate the achievements of the businesses and individuals in the strata industry

SCA (NSW) recognises excellence in the NSW strata industry at the Annual CHU Strata Community Awards for Excellence.

Across eleven categories, the annual Awards recognises and rewards businesses and individuals who make a significant contribution to the strata industry and community.

Participating in the Strata Community Awards for Excellence allows you to highlight your most outstanding qualities, major successes and most innovative initiatives.

Every organisation, individual and committee within the strata community is unique but are all striving to reach the same goal – excellence.

Excellence is a journey and not a destination. To help with this journey the annual SCA (NSW) Strata Community Awards provides a means of measuring and benchmarking within the strata industry in NSW.

CRM Brokers is pleased to continue our sponsorship of the Strata Services Business Award at this years’ Awards.

The Strata Services Business Award recognises a strata services business that has devised and implemented strategies for service excellence, focusing on staff training, professional conduct and innovation. The winner of this award category will progress to the 2022-2023 SCA Australasia Awards as a Finalist subject to meeting the T&Cs.

• Must be a current NSW Corporate Strata Services Member for at least two (2) years.
• Must be registered to operate in NSW.
• Must NOT have a Code of Conduct complaint upheld against any employee over the last 2 years.
• The directors of the company must not have had a conviction for a summary or indictable offence.
• May be nominated by an employee, client, industry associate or the Principal/Director/Owner of the Strata Services Business.
• Business representative must be available for online interview at a time specified by SCA (NSW).
• Must include three (3) client references of no more than 1 page each (in addition to maximum word count). References are to include referee contact details and signature. If reference is an email, a copy of the email must include the date received, the email which it was sent from, and a digital sign-off.

Quick Tip: Quality references are essential in being shortlisted for an award, so start coordinating today!

Peer nominations
• Peer nominations must be completed online on the SCA (NSW) website. The nominee will then be contacted regarding their nomination and offered the opportunity to submit their application. Please note: nominees must fill out their own application. The Judges will be given the peer nomination along with the nominees submission for review.

To nominate yourself, your peers or your business complete the online entry form on the SCA Website. Award submissions close Friday 27th May 2022.

The awards finalists and winners will be announced at the 2022 Strata Community CHU Awards Gala Dinner and Presentation Event on Friday 29th of July at The Star, Sydney.

We wish all nominees the best of luck and hope to see you all, in person, at the Strata Community CHU Awards Gala Dinner.

CRM Brokers is a Strata Community Australia (NSW) Strata Services Specialist Company, having proven a sound knowledge and commitment to working within strata schemes, community schemes and company title buildings.

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